Easter Dodgeball Game Ideas

Easter Dodgeball Games

It is that other crazy couple of weeks of the year…Easter Time!!  An excited and blessed time of the year but a busy time AND you STILL have a youth group going on too!

SO, this week’s FREE GAME will be dedicated to helping you with some quick help. Ten quick Easter Time Twists on your Dodgeball game!

Dodge the Easter Candy (Chocolate Bunny or Jelly Beans!?)

Dodge the Peeps (marshmallow, but if you really want to do it right get REAL LIVE peeps?…just kidding…maybe?)

Dodge the Easter Baskets (* those soft sport-shaped ball ones might work great?)

Dodge the Cadbury Egg (Explosive sticky little Easter grenades of fun, better for outside!)

Bunny Hop Dodgeball (tie everyone’s ankles together)

Dodge the Easter Eggs (*hard boil some, But not all…OR you can just wimp out and use plastic ones?)

Dodge Judas (secretly pick out one person on each team to be the “betrayer” and at some point, they will turn on their team)

Dodge the Easter Bunnies (replace the balls with cheap stuffed animal Easter bunnies)

Easter Bunny Hunting Dodgeball (dress one player from each team up in as an easter bunny or at least give them bunny ears, their team has to defend them if the other team hits them their team loses)

Resurrection Dodgeball! (kind of like doctor dodgeball, if a player gets hit they sit down and someone comes around and “Resurrects” them….)


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