Doing Ministry Your Way?

Doing Minsitry Your Way? Ten of the WORST Reasons for doing youth ministry the way you are doing it? 

10.  It is what my own youth group did when I was in youth group.

9.  It is what the church has always done? 

8.  I just don’t feel like being creative?

7.  It is the easiest way? 

6.  It is all I know? 

5.  It is what I read in a book or heard at a conference?

4.  It seems to be working for the church down the road?

3.  I am just doing exactly what (*insert famous megachurch name) is doing? 

2.  It is what the youth group kids want and like? (*or…It is what the parents want and like?) 

1.  It is just what I personally want to do and like!