Here are 10 Absolutely REAL Reasons I Have Heard for “Parents for Being Late to Pick Up” their child from youth group or an event…
10. “Sorry, I Forgot How Many Children I Had?”
9. “I Just Remembered Where I Left Them?”
8. “I Decided to Take a Nap and Overslept”
7. “I Forgot That it Was Youth Group Night?” (*but you dropped them off?)
6. “My Wife and I Were On a Date (*cough, wink) And Lost Track of Time” (seriously..look me in the eye, wink, and cough!)
5. “I Was Binge-Watching __________ on Netflix and Just Couldn’t Stop”
4. “Just Thought Eventually You Would Get Tired of Waiting and Drive Them Home”
3. “My Husband and I Play the Kid’s Video Games When They Are Not Home…and I was Winning!”
2. “They Needed A Little Extra “God Time” with You Tonight, So I Waited”
1. “I Thought I Had Already Picked Them Up?”