Youth Ministry Hub is a UNIQUE growing collection of in-the-trenched youth ministry resource created, tested and used before they show up here.  Every resources is created to maximize your time, so you can do what you are called to do- SPEND MORE TIME WITH STUDENTS.  We create engaging, done-for-you resources that are complete grab-and-go with minimal effort.  

We believe that planning youth ministry shouldn’t get in the way of DOING youth ministry. 


7-Minute Sundays: Fresh New Way to Do Sunday Mornings

One NightS: Complete, Done-for-You Youth Group Nights

PARENT & FAMILY RESOURCES: discipleship starts at home

GAMES & EVENTS: Keep Your Ministry Fun & Creative

THE YMH BLOG: Real-Life Ministry Hints, helps, & Humor

The Conversation, NOT ” The Talk”

The Conversation, Not the Talk... When my son turned ten [...]

“Pin the Pucker” (Free Valentine’s Game)

Pin the Pucker, A quick silly up-front challenge that is [...]

Signs: God’s Directions (One Night)

Signs: God’s Directions (One Night), a“done-for-you” resource for one complete [...]

Things They Don’t Teach (But Should)

Things They Don’t Teach… Someone asked me recently…again… for the [...]

Clean It Up (Family Resource)

CLEAN IT UP FAMILY RESOURCE, We know that youth workers [...]

“More Than a Face” (Youth Ministry Leadership)

I talked to a pastor not long ago about his [...]

“Super Bowl Scavenger Watch” (Dollar Deal)

Super Bowl Scavenger Watch is a fun, night-long challenge for [...]

“JBF’s: Just Being Friends” (Valentine’s One Night)

“JBF's: Just Being Friends” (One Night Youth Ministry Resource) a “done-for-you” [...]

Coaching & Speaking: Ministry Mentorship, Support and Training

Dan Istvanik is an almost 30-year veteran in youth and family ministry.  He has served in numerous churches around the country in various settings.  He currently serves as a family pastor near Chicago.  He is a nationally-known ministry resource creator, writer, speaker, and coach.  He has been married for over 22 years to his partner in ministry, Melissa, and together they are raising 2 teenagers of their own.
Get to know even more about Dan, by looking over our Speaking and Coaching pages. 

Email Dan: Ministry Questions & Prayer Requests
You can spend your time Googling, looking for youth curriculum or you can just bookmark YouthMin Hub. Dan gets youth ministry and his products and resources make that evident.  – Paul Turner, Disciple Project Ministries.