WANT TO KEEP YOUR STUDENTS ENGAGED AND LISTENING TO YOUR LESSON? CONSIDER THE “7 MINUTE RULE” WHEN IT COMES TO PLANNING YOUR NEXT LESSON: I know traditionally, youth ministry lessons tend to resemble a sermon/lecture (“Auditory Learning”) more than they do other kinds of presentations. The church is a setting for 20 minute plus sermons, […]
Flipping the House One Night is A “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will gain a better understanding of who the church is and what it is about. They will see they can have an active role in their church presently and in the future. KEY VERSE “And let […]
IF GOD IS: “Seven Minute Sunday” is based on the “7-Minute Rule” of Differentiated Teaching. It is a fresh NEW way of doing Sunday school that will change the way you see your Sunday Morning. This is a “done-for-you” resource for a complete 60 minute Sunday morning in youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will learn and interact […]
Saved 7 Minute Sunday is a fresh NEW done-for-you youth group lesson resource that will change the way you teach students on Sunday Morning.
GPS 7-Minute Sunday Lesson is a new way of doing student Sunday school lessons at church for your youth group as a student pastor.
the difference between preaching and teaching
Youth Group Lesson Take-a-Longs… Everything is mobile and portable in our world, why not your lesson? We all want our lessons to be remembered. We always say things like “take this with you this week”. I know I am always looking for ways to make the ideas and lesson topics stick with our students. Why […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Multi-Year Curriculum Mapping
Multi-year curriculum mapping is a way for youth pastors to plan for their youth ministry lessons effectively for the long term.
Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Back to School Youth Ministry Lesson: “Unpack Your Bag”
Single Back to School Lesson. Perfect for the beginning of the school year. The lesson includes 4 main points, with supporting scripture passages, followed by discussion questions for each point, for group or small group discussions.
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Welcome to the Planet (One Night Lesson)
Welcome to the Planet is a “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry, helping students discover their purpose of being here. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will answer the age-old question, “What is your purpose?” They will discover that God placed them here intentionally and on a mission. KEY VERSE “Praise be to the God […]