“Involving Your Daughter in Your Ministry!”

Involve Your Daughter

I am excited, as my daughter, Jenna, found out she has been accepted to Moody Bible College for this coming fall after she graduates, High School.   It is so great to have watched her serve beside our family and now choose to continue to seek to serve as her life’s calling.  It is why I believe it is important to involve your children in serving in your ministry, especially gentlemen, your daughters.

Involving your daughters as a “Ministry Dad” in our ministry, church, and life is important. Not to demand it, but to welcome it, embrace it, and truly celebrate it! I did a podcast interview a while back, where I explained my personal value and our family’s philosophy of serving together.   Since then we have had various people asking questions and sharing their thoughts about this idea, so I have continued to share a few posts around some aspects of “Serving Together As a Family” .

Especially in the middle of the current national conversation, media, and movements about girls and women being valued and respected, We feel it is important to continue this conversation when it comes to my wife and my daughter.

Here are some quick thoughts about “Why Dads (Parents) Should Involve Their Daughters in Their Ministry”… 

  • They will learn they have a voice in the church and in our world.
  • They will see our example as leaders, first hand, enabling them to make discerning choices about the men they allow to lead them in their future. They will observe firsthand how a man in authority SHOULD treat women. (husbands, pastors, bosses…)
  • They will see examples of Godly women, first hand, empowering them to make wise choices about the women they want to become and the kinds of female role models they choose to follow.
  • They learn how to be “help-mates” and Biblical partners in ministry. They can see your wife and her role in your ministry.
  • They will learn how to serve and experience the value of using their gifts and talents for God.
  • They will be given a safe place to talk and wrestle with what it means to be a “woman” and a safe place to grow into being a woman.
  • They can become a role model and encouragement for younger girls in the church but especially for other daughters on staff.
  • Because being a PK, is not easy. There is a lot of people that your daughter has to share you with sometimes. There is extra demands,
    weird schedules, and life interruptions. Involving them allows them to “own” it and appreciate it. It is not just dad’s ministry, it is “mine”… “ours”.
  • So they will be less likely to walk away from the faith, church, God and maybe even you when they get older. There is no guarantees, but involvement is one more way to allow faith to become “sticky”. Taking it from being “dad’s church”…” dad’s job”…” dad’s faith” to “my church”…” my ministry”…” my faith”!
  • They are a daughter of the King and they are your daughter too. You get to share them! They deserve VIP, full access passes to us, church, and to God. They should have the privilege of the front row seats and the backstage pass.