City vs. Country Youth Ministry

Country vs City

City vs. Country Youth Ministry: I have done both in 27+ years, from the deep south, Louisiana to Amish Country Pennsylvania. I have worked with students just outside of Washinton DC and in the western suburbs of Chicago. 

Here is what I have figured out?  So Far… 

10. Street Racing? (souped-up cars VS. souped-up horse & buggy…seriously)

9. Friday Nights? (hang with your kids at the mall and Starbucks VS. hang with your kids at the DQ after the game)

8. Downtown? (area with stores, restaurants, traffic VS. the road by the cotton gin, the post office, and beauty parlor)

7. A Block? (1 street down VS. 1 mile…give or take?)

6. Schools? (“All youth workers must be 100 yards off of school property between first bell and last bell” VS. “Hey, this is the principal at_____ I just wanted to call and let you know _______ got in trouble, can you come over?”

5. Friday Bonfire? (A small fire pit with 4 logs and a reasonable flame VS. everything that we can find that is flammable on four farm radius, flame visible from space) 

4. Going out to Eat? (an over-priced fish, cucumber and mint taco served with a side of organically grown kale VS. an all-you-can-eat Smorgasbord of down-home style food, served with a side of gravy) 

3. Family? (Those people you live within your house when dad is not working and the kids are not out of town for the travel Parcheesi team or the national geometry bee  VS. The imperfect but hardworking people that care for you and… the 23 cousins, aunts, uncles that live walking distance from your house, that also care for you.)

2. Church? (a few buildings in the suburbs, where people occasionally go at Easter and Christmas or an old stone building downtown, that is now a nightclub  VS. multiple buildings located everywhere, where everyone in the area is a member of at least 3, and the family attends at least one regularly, and their kids attend at least 2 of the youth groups regularly)  

1. Students? THE SAME! 
They are influenced by the same social media, TV, movies, and music. They have the same spiritual questions, struggles, and temptations. They experience the same heartbreak. They face the same pressures to succeed. They have the same family issues.   They have the SAME NEED for a youth ministry and youth leader (paid or unpaid) that cares for them, loves them and is willing to be present in their lives. THEY HAVE THE SAME NEED FOR JESUS!