You probably have or had one, I think every ministry I have been a part of over years has had one. They take on different shapes, colors, and designs. A few have even had some awesome 1970’s flowers. They are the youth room couches.
Our ministry currently does not have one, we have got rid of those bad boys. My one youth room had a green ugly sectional monstrosity. It sat in the very center of our youth cafe. It was honestly the first thing you would see when you walk into the space, and I hated it! My students however loved it, because it is beaten and worn to a point of being super comfortable. Students show up, come in and get comfortable as soon as they are sucked down into its pillows.
The problem is once they have been pulled in they are stuck in it and it is hard to get them out.
How they did that was getting us on our feet and moving non-stop.
So as a youth leader which is you…A Youth Room Couch or a Youth Room Coach?
People may not be happy with the outdated or overused style, but no one really wants to change it.
Students of the youth room couch are fine with them. They love the fact that they are not really challenged to do anything beyond just sitting there. They come and sit comfortably in the life they have chosen to live. They come and then they go with nothing really much changed, other than that they feel better from some warm, fuzzy moments.
Is that you as a leader? Is that your ministry? Are those your students? Is it all just a familiar, fun youth ministry just like an old couch that is the mainstay of many church youth rooms?
People are supportive while also being very aware that this is not just the same old youth ministry that the church has always had.
Students of the youth room coach are coming not because of emotional experience, but rather because the truth of God’s word is being spoken. Often even the hard to hear and uncomfortable instructions are being heard. Students come each week and walk away not always feeling better, but knowing that they have been pushed to be better. The moments that they shared were stretching and even painful at times, but they know they are now stronger because of it.
Is that you as a leader? Is that your ministry? Are those your students? Is it all more than what the world offers of some quick therapy and a pat on the back? Is what happens in your youth room each week as you lead going farther and deeper?