Helping Students LEAD in Ministry

Helping Students Lead

Helping Students LEAD in Ministry is an essential but sometimes forgotten role, as we often assume the sole leadership role ourselves or look only for adults to step into leading.

“Youth ministry should have a vision for “student led adult guided ministry“. Equpping the YOUNG saints for the work of ministry. It is not about us leading, but about us equipping them to lead. 

I use the simple acrostic L-E-A-D to guide my vision for students taking leadership roles. I continue to look for ways to give them ownership of their own ministry experience and ministry to other students both inside and outside the walls of the church.

(L) Listen and Learn:

Encourage students to actively listen to others and learn from their experiences and perspectives. Provide opportunities for them to observe current leaders, participate in leadership training, and ask questions. This will help them understand what effective leadership looks like and build their confidence.

(E) Empower and Equip:

Give students the tools and resources they need to succeed. This includes providing leadership training, offering mentorship, and giving them responsibilities that match their skills and interests. Empower them by trusting them with meaningful tasks and roles within the group.

(A)  Affirm and Acknowledge:

Regularly affirm students’ efforts and contributions. Acknowledge their successes and provide constructive feedback. Celebrate their achievements publicly to boost their confidence and reinforce the value of their leadership.

(D)  Delegate and Develop: 
Delegate responsibilities gradually, allowing students to take on more significant roles as they grow. Encourage them to take initiative and make decisions. Provide opportunities for continuous development through workshops, leadership challenges, and real-life practice.

By following these steps, students can develop the skills and confidence needed to become effective leaders in the youth group. When students lead, we win.  When students lead, the future of the church wins.