Teach Students to S.H.A.R.E. Their Faith

students sharing faith

Teaching Youth Group Students to Share Their Faith can be a transformative experience for both the students and the people they reach out to.

As we head toward the school year and leave camps, conferences, and mission trips, this is a great time to help your students prepare to share their stories and gospel with others.

Share this simple acrostic S.H.A.R.E. to guide your students in sharing their faith confidently and respectfully.

S – Start with Prayer
The foundation of sharing faith begins with prayer. Encourage students to pray for guidance, wisdom, and the right opportunities to share their faith. Prayer helps to prepare their hearts and minds, ensuring they approach each conversation with humility and love.

Tips to Teach Students
– Pray for specific friends or family members who may need to hear the gospel.
– Ask God for the courage to speak up and for the right words to say.
– Pray for a heart of compassion and understanding towards those you are sharing with.

H – Have an Open Heart
Having an open heart means being ready to listen and understand others. It’s essential for students to be empathetic and respectful of different viewpoints. Sharing faith is not about winning arguments but about showing love and kindness.

Tips to Teach Students:
– Listen more than you speak. Understand where the other person is coming from.
– Be patient, and don’t rush the conversation. Building trust takes time.
– Show genuine interest in the other person’s life and experiences.

A – Ask Questions
Asking questions can open the door to meaningful conversations. It shows that students are interested in the other person’s thoughts and feelings. It also provides a natural way to introduce faith into the discussion.

Tips to Teach Students
– Ask open-ended questions that encourage deeper discussion.
– Be respectful and non-confrontational with your questions.

R – Reflect Christ
Students should aim to reflect Christ in their words and actions, even before they speak or share faith. This means demonstrating aa life of love, kindness, and integrity. Their behavior often speaks louder than words and can be a powerful testimony in itself.

Tips to Teach Students
– Be a good example in your daily life. Let your actions align with your faith.
– Show kindness and compassion in all interactions, even when it’s difficult.
– Be humble and admit when you don’t have all the answers.

E – Extend an Invitation
Finally, encourage students to extend an invitation. This could be inviting someone to a youth group event, church service, or simply to continue the conversation about faith. Providing a welcoming attitude can help others feel comfortable exploring faith further.

Tips to Teach Students
– Invite friends to youth group activities or church events where they can learn more in a supportive environment.
– Offer to pray with or for them if they are comfortable.
– Follow up with them, showing that you care about their spiritual journey.

Using the S.H.A.R.E. acrostic provides a simple yet powerful framework for youth group students to share their faith effectively. By starting with prayer, having an open heart, asking questions, reflecting Christ, and extending an invitation, students can approach faith-sharing with confidence and compassion. Encourage your youth group to practice these steps, and watch as they grow in their ability to share their faith and impact others positively.