Here they are the real but amazingly AWKWARD YOUTH PASTOR MOMENTS…
10.)…You say something in a lesson and realize it means TWO VERY different things!
9.) …You get caught slapping your spouse’s butt at church!
8.)… You are in your office alone and fart, then immediately someone comes in!
7.)… You run into a student in public and completely forget their name!
6.)… You are at Walmart, getting on to your child when a church family walks by!
5.)…You realize your fly was down your whole lesson!
4.)…You get caught TPing the Senior Pastor’s house!
3.)…You slip and say what you are actually thinking about something (or someone)!
2.)… Your young child learns a new “dirty” word and decides to try it out in Sunday School!
1.)….A couple of your students pop by the house unannounced during “THAT” Special Date Night! (*and…you answer the door with your shirt on backward and inside out, TRUE STORY!)