Stocking Stuffers Christmas Game

Stocking Stuffers Christmas Game

STOCKING STUFFERS CHRISTMAS GAME! The Stockings Are Hung By the Chimney with Care, But Can You Tell What Is In There!? A Christmas Game Stuffed with Surprises That Will Be Sure to Get Your Students Laughing and Guessing.

A Simple Christmas Game For Your Youth Ministry Where Student Must Guess Correctly What the Strange Shape is Hidden in the Christmas Stockings! A 10 Challenge Question Game, with 1 Bonus Tiebreaker!

A great lesson tie-in when teaching about appearances, what is on the inside matters, or judging too quickly

– 2 Powerpoint Presentations (editable and flat format)
– Full set of all slides in JPEG format (1920 X 1080)
– Set of web/social media promotional slides (640 x 320)








Game Play Options:

  • Small Groups/Partners: Give each group/partnership a pen and paper. Reveal all challenge slides, pausing to give groups time to write down guesses between slides. Then reveal all answers slides at the end to see which group got the most right.
  • Up-Front Face-Off: 2 players come to the front and “face-off” to see how many they can guess correctly. Reveal the challenge slide and then answer slides, one-by-one.