Serving 7 Minute Sunday

“Serving” 7 Minute Sunday Lesson

The “SERVING” 7-Minute Sunday” Lesson is based on the “7-Minute Rule”of Differentiated Teaching. It is a fresh NEW way of doing Sunday school that will change the way you see your Sunday Morning. This is a “done-for-you” resource for a complete Sunday morning of youth ministry.  KEY OBJECTIVE: Students will be challenged to start serving in their homes, […]

Millenial Parent, Gen Z Kids

Millennial Parents, Gen Alpha Students

Millennial Parents, Gen Z Students… Navigating youth ministry with millennial parents who have Generation Alpha kids presents several unique challenges, here are just 5 challenges of ministry to Millenial Parents, with Gen Alpha Students  1. Digital Overload Generation Alpha students are growing up in a digital world, which can make it challenging to engage them […]