“May the Puns Be With You” is a super silly “dad-joke” humor game, just in time for May the 4th, other great themed events. It is also perfect for Father’s Day as well. Use it for regular meeting nights, parent meetings, or for your next big premier event watching your favorite movie or TV series. […]
“BECAUSE I SAID SO” is a FREE Parent Page Resource for you to download and share with the families of your ministry. SNEAK PREVIEW… “The classic parent response to almost anything is “because I said so…” Why do I have to eat my broccoli? Because I said so! Why do I have to go to bed early? […]
We all know the time-honored phrase and what accompanies it, “Why are you hitting yourself?” It is repeated by older siblings, classmates, and others as they grab our hand, overpower us, and beat us silly.
While it may not happen physically to us, as we get older and stronger, it still does sometimes happens in adulthood, even in ministry settings. It continues through micromanagement and controlling leadership that beat us up emotionally, socially, and spiritually.
Scripture Scavenger Hunt Resource It is great for summer at camp, an outdoor fun night, or whenever. It can be easily adapted indoors as well. Use your own creativity and space to add or subtract from what I have here and feel free to go in any order you like! Get your students to look […]
KEEP PEOPLE COMING AFTER EASTER!? A quick ran-dumb top ten list for your day after Easter “ministry hangover”… 10. Bacon Sunday- a free pound of bacon for every friend you bring? 9. No Cover Charge Sunday- one Sunday a year, that offering WON’T be taken? 8. Give-Away Sunday- shoot polos and button-up oxford out into […]
Building Blocks of Constructive Teaching, as we face a continued conversation about the deconstruction of faith. Maybe it is time we, in youth ministry, reclaim our place in the conversation and actually claim our place pre-deconstruction. Is it possible that the seeming flood of well-known Christian voices grew up in an era of youth ministry […]
EGGS-RAYS EASTER SCREEN GAME JUST IN TIME FOR EASTER! A Silly fun Easter time big screen game. Everyone loves the surprises hidden inside an Easter egg! Take a good look at the silhouette in each of these Easter eggs to try to figure out what or who is hidden inside. This Resource Includes: • Complete […]
April Youth Ministry Hilarious Holidays. Here are just a few of the great holidays coming up this month. These can be an easy win and a way to make Every Week Special. Some of these we have done in the past, and the students loved them. April 3rd: World Party Day. (now you have an excuse to […]
Things NOT to Do Easter Sunday! I know some people refer to it as the “Super Bowl” for the church, but still? Here are ten things as the Youth Pastor to NOT do on Easter Sunday! 10. Get the Youth Section to do the Wave! 9. Yell Song Requests as soon as the Music Pastor […]
Faith at Home Coupon (Last Day). This special offer END TONIGHT AT MIDNIGHT!! A great deal on our growing collection of “Faith at Home” resources! Normally the Faith at Home single resource is $5.00, but with this special, limited-time coupon, you get any SIX RESOURCES FOR $19.99 instead of the normal $30! What are “Faith […]