The Conversation, NOT ” The Talk”

The Conversation, Not the Talk… When my son turned ten and entered 5th grade, during the summer, we had what many parents call “the talk”.  It is the classic father-son moment talking about birds and bees.  You can picture the scene sitting on his bed, talking about all the details of life and answering a […]

Signs: God’s Directions (One Night)

Signs: God’s Directions (One Night), a“done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry. SIGNS: GOD’S DIRECTIONS (ONE NIGHT) OBJECTIVES Students will understand how to find God’s directions for their lives. KEY VERSE “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your […]

Things They Don’t Teach (But Should)

Things They Don’t Teach… Someone asked me recently…again… for the hundredth time, “What don’t they teach you in college/seminary/’school that you need to know for real-world, real-life youth ministry. Here is my first quick list of the top ten “Things They Don’t Teach”… but should!?  How to be a part of a staff team. How to […]

“Super Bowl Scavenger Watch” (Dollar Deal)

Super Bowl Scavenger Watch is a fun, night-long challenge for student ministry or even adult groups watching the game.  A simple seated scavenger hunt site game to make THE big game more fun and interesting to watch.  Especially for those youth group parties where not everyone is into the game, students can still watch the […]