Shaving Cream Baseball is a game that is on the schedule for my personal ministry in the coming week! Looking for a fun game, consider this quick simple twist on the classic whiffle ball game, just be adding some shaving cream for a super fun and messy game. With a few dollars for a whiffle ball, […]
Game of the Week: “Igloo Race”- an upfront challenge game for your youth group from Dan Istvanik and Youth Ministry Hub
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
“Level Up!” Youth Group ‘One Night’
One Nights are all-inclusive, “done-for-you” resources for one complete night of youth ministry, with everything you need to have maximum impact with minimal preparation for your youth group gatherings. WHO IS ONE NIGHT FOR? For ministry with middle school or high school students. One Night is designed to be easily used by everyone—from new volunteers […]
GAME OF THE WEEK: “BOUNCY BALL BLITZ” Supplies: – At least 100 small bouncy balls (“superball”/”high bounce” type”) in 4 different colors. – 1 large bucket or container – 4 smaller buckets or containers – A tall ladder, if you do not have a high place to stand above the playing area – An indoor […]
Pin the Pucker, A quick silly up-front challenge that is sure to bring a whole lot of laughs! Perfect for a bonus game to go along with our JBF One Night
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Signs: God’s Directions (One Night)
Signs: God’s Directions (One Night), a“done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry. SIGNS: GOD’S DIRECTIONS (ONE NIGHT) OBJECTIVES Students will understand how to find God’s directions for their lives. KEY VERSE “You make known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your […]
Super Bowl Scavenger Watch is a fun, night-long challenge for student ministry or even adult groups watching the game. A simple seated scavenger hunt site game to make THE big game more fun and interesting to watch. Especially for those youth group parties where not everyone is into the game, students can still watch the […]
“Five Games for a Penny is the latest FREE Game Resource from Youth Ministry Hub, Five simples, inexpensive, easy-to-play games for your youth ministry. Games that your youth group is sure to enjoy. Each game ranges in cost from a little as a single penny all the way up to only two dollars. Each game is […]
Puppet Master Charades Game is a favorite youth group game around our ministry. Perfect no-prep game for a regular night or part of an event.
The Book of Dodgeball game collection consists of TEN Dodgeball and Dodgeball-Style Games. We are ALL tired of playing the same old version of dodgeball every week. It is time we change it up a bit. The Book of Dodgeball offers you ten alternatives to regular dodgeball. Play one game a week for the entire winter, […]