My Mom Always Said: Youth Ministry Wisdom

My Mom Always Said

My Mom Always Said: Youth Ministry Wisdom.  In honor of Mom, who passed away recently.  Here is a Special Post  Dedicated to Moms and the Things They Teach Us… EVEN ABOUT YOUTH MINISTRY!? 

Share Your Toys!- If you have a great idea or resource, share it with others in youth ministry! This does include your actual toys too.  If you have a gaga pit or a 9-square, be willing to lend it to someone else in your area.

Clean Out Your Ears!- Stop talking sometimes and just listen to your students (and parents) when they are talking to you. We are paid to communicate, but realistically 85% of our communication is not us speaking.

Running Away? I Will Help You Pack! – Don’t run away from your problems, but if you choose to leave, don’t be surprised if you end up getting some help packing and getting gone!? I hear it all the time; someone puts in their 30-day notice along with their opinion, only to hear only to be handed a box and 24-hour notice.

Tuck in Your Shirt!– Yes, you want to be all hipster and fashionable, but sometimes we just come off looking foolish in front of the adults…and sometimes our students too, how you dress. You are the adult and the leader; whether you like it or not, this may require you to present yourself like one.

No Running in the Hallways!- Take your time to walk through the hallways of your church slowly, greet people, look them in the eye, and talk to them! Ministry is made or broken in the hallways more than on the stage. A handshake and 5-minute conversation could mean more than anything else you do in a week.

Clean Up After Yourself! – Big bonus points with custodians, trustees, and the church if you don’t constantly leave a mess after youth group and/or events! Your ministry is stewardship of many things, including the building.  Leave it better than you found it, boy (girl) scout!

You are Known By the Group of Friends You Have!– I’ve said this before, but find an accountability partner, a mentor, or a group of other youth workers to network with! Think big K, kingdom, not little k kingdom.

Respect Your Elders!- Literally and figuratively, respect the leadership board in your church and also the older members of your church. There is a wealth of wisdom and insight just waiting to be tapped into, do not leave it there; ask it with honor.

Don’t Complain Unless You Have a Solution!– It is kind of right there, and enough said…Thanks, Mom.