Silver Bullets of Youth Ministry Success

silver bullets youth ministry

Silver Bullets of Youth Ministry Success. We all want to know the “silver bullet”… the “secret sauce”… to youth ministry!

People always ask me about the “silver bullets” or “secret sauces” I also hear and read just as much. There is none; there are
no bullets, sauces, or secrets.

Well, I think there is actually more than one. There is a couple. After hanging around this youth ministry thing for a while now and spending close to 30 years around students and families,  I have noticed a couple of things over and over again in other people’s ministries (and my own).

Here are at least TEN silver bullets of Youth Ministry Success.   

Bible Teaching in Relevant, Real Ways. Cut the show and the fluff, stop trying to be the next _________ (insert your favorite speaker) and teach the Bible. Notice I didn’t use the word “preach; the word teaches! Teach the always relevant truth in relevant ways that relate to the real life of your students. (*see #, below)

A Great Team. You cannot do it alone. You need other people to fill in the gaps of your weaknesses and push your strengths further. Your personality will not fit with every student, so build a team with people like you and a bunch of people, not like you.

An Actual Love For and Personal Calling to Students. Do not keep doing this thin if you look at it as the old “stepping stone.” Do not do this because someone said you had potential, do it because God called you! Please do not keep doing this if you don’t like 5th-9th grade students or you have got to a point you do not want them anymore!

A Clear Vision and Direction. Know what you are doing and how you are doing it. Be able to fully and be able to explain it to everyone who asks. If you are unprofessional and unorganized, your vision and direction will be unprofessional and unorganized,d and then your ministry will be too.

Communication. See #7. Tell everyone about what, when, where, who, and why all the time and in every way possible. Information that Interests will turn into Involvement.

Relationships and Connection. Not friendship, but absolutely a relationship. Get to know students, their lives, families,s and NAME! Students will return if they know they are cared for, loved, and connected to you, your team, and other students.
Also, relationships and connections in your church with parents, staff, and members. Find and build adult relationships and contacts.s

Creativity and Willingness to Continue to Change. You do not have to be personally creative, but be willing to let your ministry be creative (see #9) bydingfindingd other people looking around and finding borrowing and buying! With creativity comes the continual, ongoing, NEVER ending willingness to change.

Your Sr. Pastor. Yep, them. Suppose you get them onboard and excited about what you are doing and what is coming on. They will be your cheerleader, protector, and supporter!   You can not get ever far, for very long, if they are not onboard (*see #7 & #6)

Parents! In the 5th-9th grade,e they are the ride, the wallet, the permission, and the life. If you want to do ministry, you have to minister to parents and families. Get them on your team by getting them ON your team! Parents make great leaders. Like Sr. Pasto,r they will be your cheerleader, protector,r, and supporter!

God!! This is not the obvious answer or the go-to #1 of the list because it has to be if your ministry is formed around a program, a curriculum, a church, fun, or YOU! It will fail at some point, sooner or later. If your ministry is formed around being successful,l and that is your focus, it will die. Those things will become “god” instead of GOD! You want to know the silver bullet, it is God, but it is not honestly on as many people’s lists as you would think in reality.