“Ten Things Jesus Was…”

Jesus WAS

Teaching and walking life besides this young generation coming up, I believe it is important for us to be students of the Word first and of the world second. Especially as we head into the holiday time of year. The most important thing we can do is point our students to the person of Jesus and be “followers” of Him. We desire students to live their earthly lives by following His example!  It is also important for students to understand who Jesus really was according to the Word to connect to their world.

These are ten simple, straightforward Biblical truths about who Jesus was while He was doing life on the planet. Take them as you will.


10. A Refugee (Matt. 2:13) 

9.  Homeless. (Matt. 8:20) 

8.  A Middle Eastern Man. (Matt. 1) 

7. A Son of a Young Teenage Mother Who Was Pregnant Before She Was Married.  (Matt. 1:18)

6.  A Poor, Blue-Collar Worker from a Small Town in the Middle of the Country (Matt. 2:23) 

5.  A Taxpayer (Matt. 22:21) 

4.  Willing to Submit to Authority, Even If He Didn’t Agree with the Decision.  (Acts 8:32-33) 

3. A Respecter of Woman and Their Rights in a Culture that Did Not.  (John 8:1-8) 

2. Killed By Angry Religious People and Weak Politicians (Matt. 27)

1.  The Prince of Peace. (*the time He got physical or angry was with people trying to make the church something it was never intended to be).  (Matt. 21:12-17)