Why Join a Local Network

Why Join a Local Network of Youth Pastors and Leaders?  We are wrapping up our Chicago Area Youth Workers Hub Group for this school year.  I have partnered with groups like National Network for most of my 30ish years of youth ministry.

I believe that we are “BETTER TOGETHER” and that we survive as a BIG “K” Kingdom, not in our own smaller little “k” kingdoms.  Here are quick Monday morning reflections: half serious/half joking when you should join a local network in your area…OR START ONE! 

10. You Can Eat Donuts! (…and your spouse will never know… if you’re  single– your trainer will never know)

9. Swap Gross and Embarrassing Stories (..finally realize there are other people doing dumb things for the glory of God, too!)

8. Free Group Therapy!  (..Hi! My name is Dan, and I have been a youth pastor for 30 years; and am a recovering traumatic lock-in victim…Hi! Dan…)

7. Keep Up with All The Youth Group/Church Hopper Families.  (OH! They are coming to your group now!? Good Luck! )

6. Exchange Fashion Tips and Hipster Hair Advice!  (Bob love what you did with your beard…where did you pick up that snazzy deep v-neck…)

5. Escape the Office for an Hour. (using a spoon from the coffee bar and a lighter from the middle school lost and found, slowly tunnel your way to FREEDOM….) 

4. Have Deep Discussions about What You Are Reading Lately.  (Have you picked up the new X-men comic…) 

3. Have Intense Conversations About Youth Culture and Society.  (I believe Solomon showed so much Rizz in the Songs of Solomon…Say Less…Bet Bruh!)

2. You Can Eat Donuts!! (Seriously, I know it is already on the list, but come on…Gluten Glazed Gut-busters… It had to make the list twice!) 

1. In all seriousness and reality, it is a place of connection, prayer, and safety for the heart and soul of Youth Workers!!