HERE THEY ARE, TEN DIFFERENT KINDS OF YOUTH PASTORS? 10. The Jock They are all about the game. Whether it is a sport, dodgeball, or something they just made up, it is on! They dress like your gym teacher and kind of act like them too. Lesson? Oh yeah, we will hit that up at […]
Each Church Is Its Own Sub-Culture…Every church has its own traditions, words, rules, and personality. When you arrive at a new church, take the time to ask questions, learn, and don’t just assume things. Churches like other countries and even families have their own ideas and definitions when it comes to A LOT of things. […]
In the era of summer mission trips to exotic places and high energy, huge conferences at the beach, is there still a place for summer camp? Has the whole summer camp thing seen its day? Here are 10 Quick Thoughts, on Why Middle School Camp is STILL Important! 10. Freedom to Worship, Sing and Celebrate!- Nowhere else […]
Successful Marriage AND Ministry Trips- Ten tips that work for both your marriage and your ministry! 10. Faithfulness- Don’t be check out other people’s… 9. Fun- Enjoy and learn to laugh. Learn to laugh at yourself. 8. Plan- Make plans and stick with them, what you say you will do…do! 7. Relax- Take and find […]
YOUTH MINISTRY COACH OR COUCH? WHICH ARE YOU? You probably have or had one, I think every ministry I have been a part of over years has had one. They take on different shapes, colors, and designs. A few have even had some awesome 1970’s flowers. They are the youth room couches. Our ministry currently […]
REAL REASONS LEADERS CAN’T COME? TEN REAL EXCUSES I HAVE REALLY HEARD FOR WHY A VOLUNTEER WAS CALLING OFF FOR THE NIGHT! 10. I can’t stand my small group of students anymore, and I need a night off from them! 9. I think my rap career is finally taking off. 8. I broke my neck […]
We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with a fun, everyday activity […]
ARE YOU CALLED? A WIFE’S PERSPECTIVE ON CALLING WITHIN THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF THEIR HUSBAND. When I was a senior in high school, I went to a leadership conference at the college I would later attend many years ago. During that conference, I remember learning about leading. I do not remember all the things […]
It is that other crazy couple of weeks of the year…Easter Time!! An excited and blessed time of the year but a busy time AND you STILL have a youth group going on too! SO, this week’s FREE GAME will be dedicated to helping you with some quick help. Ten quick Easter Time Twists on […]