Super Silly Sports Book is an all-in-one collection of ten super fun and super silly sports-based youth group games. This collection of games is perfect for weekly meetings or to play a collection of games as an all-inclusive game event. Super Sillyg Sports Book is great for middle school and high school students. A […]
A funny and silly, REAL top 10 list of the best and funniest personal moments on youth ministry mission trips from over the years.
The Evangelistic Youth Ministry, If you grew up, like I did, in an American church youth group, it’s likely you will resonate with the following description of American youth ministry. You spent an hour or two a week in a “youth room,” sitting on folding chairs or donated couches, singing (with or without the aid […]
Basic Explanation: Players must correctly identify the auto part based on the picture and description of its purpose. 2 Game Play Options: Small Groups/Partners: Give each group/partnership a pen and paper. Reveal all challenge slides, pausing to give groups time to write down guesses between slides. Then reveal all answers slides at the end to […]
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Mirrors (Youth Group One Night)
Mirror (Youth Group One Night) is an all-included, “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will be challenged to use this moment in their lives to begin to mature in their faith and live a life that reflects Christ. KEY VERSE “For now, we see in a mirror dimly but […]
Frustrating your volunteers is a quick way to lose them. We all want a great team of volunteers, that stick it out for the long haul. Unfortunately, often leaders end up frustrating their volunteers, causing them to quit, walking away disappointed. Here is a quick Top 10 list of ways leaders end up frustrating their […]
The Clear Way to Success in Youth Ministry is difficult. Success in youth ministry isn’t merely measured by the number of attendees or the hype around the latest event. True success lies in the transformation of young hearts and minds, fostering a lifelong journey of faith and growth. A clear mindset for your leadership must […]
Sheep vs. Goat Game, A crazy and silly game to separate the sheep from the goats for your youth group? A game to see if your student know the different between a sheep and a goat. A perfect game to lead into a lesson “Sheep vs. Goat Judgement”, “The Good Shepherd”, or Psalms 23. […]
Here is a quick in-the-trenches, real-life hint/help as you head into your summer camp or your mission trips It depends on the group and even the leaders I have had over the years. Pranking can quickly get out of hand, especially at camps and retreats! I have heard various theories and debates over whether to […]