I talked to a pastor not long ago about his recent hire of a youth leader for his church. He was so excited by the opportunity to have a “face” for his church’s youth ministry. He described the young man as “attractive” to young people and the kind of “look” and “style” that would be […]
Super Bowl Scavenger Watch is a fun, night-long challenge for student ministry or even adult groups watching the game. A simple seated scavenger hunt site game to make THE big game more fun and interesting to watch. Especially for those youth group parties where not everyone is into the game, students can still watch the […]
“JBF’s: Just Being Friends” (One Night Youth Ministry Resource) a “done-for-you” resource about relationships/dating for one complete night of youth ministry programming, EVERYTHING is Included!!
10. I started coming because of your excellent branding, logo, and super cool ministry name. 9. We all really feel like you should wear skinny jeans and get more tattoos, so you can be more relevant. 8. Tonight was way too much fun. 7. Please stop sending me personal handwritten encouragement notes. 6. My parents realized that […]
We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with a fun, everyday activity […]
Mark 12:38-40: As he taught, Jesus said, “Watch out for the teachers of the law. They like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respected title in the marketplaces, and have the most important seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at banquets.They devour widows’ houses and for a show make […]
Supplies: – A large drawing pad or whiteboard – A Couple of markers (dry erase if using whiteboard) – A Large Bandana Set-Up: – Divide the whole group (family) into two teams based on the sides of the room. Any size youth group (family) can play. In the front of the room, place a drawing […]
“MADE” (One Night Youth Ministry Resource) a “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry programming, EVERYTHING is Included!! “MADE” KEY OBJECTIVES Students will understand that they are made and loved by God; no matter how many mistakes they have made, God has made a way back to a relationship with him through Jesus. “MADE” […]
Here are 10 Absolutely REAL Reasons I Have Heard for “Parents for Being Late to Pick Up” their child from youth group or an event… 10. “Sorry, I Forgot How Many Children I Had?” 9. “I Just Remembered Where I Left Them?” 8. “I Decided to Take a Nap and Overslept” 7. “I Forgot That […]
We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with a fun, everyday activity […]