FIVE Youth Ministry tips for teaching a disruptive group in a way that keeps them interested and respects their energy.
Puppet Master Charades Game is a favorite youth group game around our ministry. Perfect no-prep game for a regular night or part of an event.
A “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry about Putting God First in Your Life KEY OBJECTIVES Help students understand and see their life as a spiritual race that God has called them to run well. KEY VERSE “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the […]
Years ago, I sat in aYouth Specialties National Youth Workers Convention, listening to Kara Powell, talk about her research connected to the new Sticky Faith book. I remember her on the main stage talking about programs being a tunnel to ministry but not being our ministry. She warned the crowd to make sure to be […]
What does is it look like to have a Next Level Leadership Team? We all want long-term, invested volunteer leaders in our ministries. We want to build a connected and cohesive team willing to follow us. I have people ask me all the time how I get to a point where I have a waiting list […]
The Book of Dodgeball game collection consists of TEN Dodgeball and Dodgeball-Style Games. We are ALL tired of playing the same old version of dodgeball every week. It is time we change it up a bit. The Book of Dodgeball offers you ten alternatives to regular dodgeball. Play one game a week for the entire winter, […]
Basic Instructions A 5-Week Youth Ministry Lesson Series on Understanding the Basics of Connecting with God. “We all need some basic instructions to figure out how to put things together and how things work. Even when it comes to our Relationship With God!” Lessons: – Going Back to the Basics – We Have the Heart […]
WHY THEY STOP COMING AFTER GRADUATION? YOUR SENIORS ARE ONLY A FEW MONTHS AWAY FROM LEAVING YOUR MINISTRY! Here are ten reasons why Christian youth group kids may stop attending church after graduation, along with solutions for each issue: 1. Loss of Community Reason: Graduating can mean leaving behind a familiar support system. Solution: Foster […]
Balancing Family and Ministry: Hints and Helps from Youth Ministry Hub and Dan Istvanik for Youth pastors and youth leaders.
Wacky Winter Youth Group Games is a collection of TEN Winter Time Games for Youth Ministry. Perfect to create a whole event night for Christmas, Valentine’s Day, or anytime! These games will be in any setting and take minimal supplies and set up. Play one game a week for the entire winter, enough games to […]