“EGG HEADS” (EASTER SCREENGAME): A silly fun Easter time big screen game. Can your students identify these celebrity “egg heads” hiding out in the Easter baskets? A 10 Challenge Game, with 1 Bonus Tiebreaker! Includes: – 2 Powerpoint Presentations (editable and flat format) – Full set of all slides in JPEG format (1920 X 1080) – […]
Spring Thing Game Book is an all-in-one collection of ten Easter and Spring Time games. This collection of games is perfect for weekly meetings or to play a collection of games as an all-inclusive game event. There are a variety of up-front challenges, icebreakers, big group games, and even an Easter-time version of dodgeball. […]
Sunday Experience or Sunday Service… A few years ago, I was at a church that INSISTED on using the word “EXPERIENCE” in describing their Sunday morning gathering. The staff was not allowed to use the word “SERVICE; it was considered old fashion and outdated. Listening and observing, I had thought about it quite a bit as […]
Faith at Home Coupon! A great deal on our growing collection of “Faith at Home” resources! Normally the Faith at Home single resource is $5.00, but with this special, limited-time coupon, you get any SIX RESOURCES FOR $19.99 instead of the normal $30! What are “Faith at Home Resources”? Based on our Discipleship Model, every […]
WIRED: CAFFEINATED CHALLENGE… GRAB YOUR STUDENTS AND A VENTI DOUBLE SHOT LATTE BECAUSE YOU’RE GOING TO NEED YOUR ENERGY. THEY WILL HAVE TO DECIDE WHICH OF THE TWO CHOICES HAS THE MOST CAFFEINE!! Challenge Question Game, with 1 Bonus Tiebreaker! Includes: – 2 Powerpoint Presentations (editable and flat format) – Full set of all slides in JPEG […]
Raising the Bar in Ministry, four key areas in youth ministry that are essentials that deserve a higher standard. Youth ministry as a career and a profession is now being recognized. Great schools offer higher levels of education and degrees in the study of youth ministry. There are now professional-level, executive-style search companies helping churches […]
Five FREE Upfront/Stage Games…a few of of our most popular “game of the week” that we share every Wednesday! 5. Super Soaker Masterpiece 4. Slim Jim Shish-Kabob 3. Fall Hoodie Goodie 2. Feed the Baby BIrd 1.PUMPKIN FACE
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources
Ten Popular FREE Big Group Games
TEN POPULAR FREE BIG GROUP GAMES- Every Wednesday, we post a “Game of the Week.“ Here are ten of the most popular FREE Big Group Games we have shared! Make sure to sign up for our weekly email, and check back every Wednesday for new games! 10: Piggy Back Polo 9. Shaving Cream Baseball […]
HERE ARE EIGHT QUICK, IN-THE-TRENCHES, REAL-LIFE YOUTH MINISTRY HINTS FOR YOUR NEW YEAR Never Buy More than a Couple Extra T-shirts Than You Have Kids and Leaders. (the leftovers will haunt you for years) Never Pre-Buy Tickets for Events, Before You Know Who is Going. (you will lose money every time, pre-sign up & pre-pay always) […]
Over the Hill Youth Ministry: Three Lessons…I am now in my 29th year of youth ministry, 25 years of full-time, on-staff church youth ministry. Here are three things I have learned from being “over the hill.” There is a growing trend among youth workers. They are staying in youth ministry longer. They are choosing to […]