Ten Best “Other” Prizes

best other prizes

TEN BEST OTHER PRIZES, moving on and changing it up from youth group t-shirts, candy bars, and gift cards for your games and incentives. 

10. “You Pick”– winner gets to pick next week’s game, snack or… lesson topic?

9. “Box Seats”- winner gets to have a special roped-off “couch” for themselves and two guests for the evening.

8. “Discount”– winner gets 1/2 off the next paid event.

7. “Full On“- winner next time you have pizza as a group, the winner gets their own pizza to themselves, made however they want.

6. “Free Guest”– winner can bring one guest for free at the next paid event.

5.  “Sign It”– winner gets a yard sign for the week, “______student ministry game champion of the week.”

4. “Medaling”– winner gets a “gold medal” to wear

3. “Winner, Winner, Chicken Dinner”–  winner gets to have a special dinner at Chick-Fil-A with you, a leader, and a friend of their choice, with a full-on white tablecloth, candles, and real plates, and so on…

2. “The Roll-Up” – winner gets a special chauffeured pick up by you for the next week. You will show up at their house with their favorite drink from Starbucks, a red carpet rolled out. Leading to the backseat of your car and driving them to the next youth group night.  When they arrive, red carpet is rolled out again…

  1. THE VIP”: Winner gets the VIP treatment at the next event or trip.  First in line for every meal, seated 5 minutes earlier than everyone else, everyone has to applaud when they walk in the room, the first pick of bed at camp, and a crown to wear.