Brain Storm-7 Minute Sunday Lesson: a lesson about your thinking and decision making for teenage students from Youth Min Hub.
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Humor, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
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Senior Saints and Students- the SAME?! This week’s top ten list. If you liked last week’s comparison between toddlers and middle schoolers, get ready for this one. Here are ten proofs that life comes full circle from student ministry and back around into senior saint ministry. BOTH SENIOR SAINTS AND STUDENTS…. 10. Forgetful, easily distracted, […]
MOVING BOXES, MINISTRY FAMILIES TRANSITION…Transition is all too familiar to me. Our family is about three years into a new house, job (church), and city. We are landing at our 9th church in close to 23 years of marriage and ministry. When packing and unpacking the physical boxes, you also pack and unpack your heart, emotions, […]
Alpha-Bite Spelling Bee Game. A free upfront, face-off youth group game for the students of your church from Youth Min Hub & Dan Istvanik
Toddlers & Middle Schoolers- The SAME!? Ten reasons as a youth pastor and family pastor work with them both is the same job some days.
We pour energy, time, and money into our new exciting youth ministry year, only to become quickly frustrated by that missing group of students that have chosen sports over our ministry.
Way to End A Lesson (Sports Star Edition). Everyone is always trying to figure out a way to “land the plane” and “Finish with Intentionality”.
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Middle Years Life Transitions
THE MIDDLE YEARS (5th-9th grade, Ages 10-14) ARE A HUGE TIME OF LIFE TRANSITION. IT MIGHT EVEN BE ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TIMES IN A PERSON’S LIFE! Do youth pastors/workers know and understand the transition that is happening in the lives of their students? Do we appreciate the power and the potential for doing effective […]
Fancy (Fast) Food Screen Game is a fun game to see if students can guess the popular fast food chain restaurants by the fancy descriptions.