Follow Me (One Night) A “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry about being a follower of Jesus!
More Sunday Morning Worship Clappers
Welcome to the House- Engaging generation alpha in the life of the church and youth ministry. 3 ways for youth pastors to welcome this group.
A random trivia screen game about America’s favorite meat, Bacon!! A great game for your youth ministry and students to play as a group.
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Young: I Timothy 4:12 (One Night)
Young: I Timothy 4:12 One Night is a “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry based on I Timothy 4:12. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will see that their young age doesn’t limit how God can use them. KEY VERSE “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example […]
Sunday Morning Worship Clappers you know them, and you have watched them in action. Here is a bit of Ran-DUMB Monday morning humor.
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources
Smarty Pants: Wisdom (One Night)
Smarty Pants: Wisdom (One Night) is a “done-for-you” resource for one COMPLETE night of youth ministry. EVERYTHING Is Included! KEY OBJECTIVES Help students move from godly knowledge through godly understanding to godly wisdom. KEY VERSE “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” – Proverbs […]
A Classic That I Have Been Playing For Years With My Groups… Because When All Else Fails, Add a Rubber Chicken to Your Game!?? Supplies: – 1 rubber chicken (*preferably one with a noise maker) – Basketball court with 2 hoops (OR 2 large clean trash cans) – Whistle – 2 large sticks (broomstick or something […]
Learned From Being Homeless- ten things I learned from being homeless and how good god is in the middle of our struggles
Block-tionary Upfront Group Game Pictionary Meets Jenga Meets Charades, a quick silly upfront youth group game for team building.