“On Brand” (One Night Youth Ministry Resource) is a “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry, helping students think about what they are known for in their lives.
A Review YM360 Discipleship Devotionals Collection on Esther, Hebrews, and James by Chad Poe.
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources
October Youth Ministry Hilarious Holidays
Here is a set of October Hilarious Holidays. Hilarious Holidays, we will be a monthly post to help you “Make Every Night Special” in your youth ministry. Think of games, food, and fun that can celebrate these odd and unique days with your students. These holidays are also great ways to make silly memories. […]
Love & Youth Ministry Work, quick youth pastor reflections from Marcus Buckingham’s book “Love and Work”. Hints and Helps.
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Lessons, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
The Seven Minute Rule
WANT TO KEEP YOUR STUDENTS ENGAGED AND LISTENING TO YOUR LESSON? CONSIDER THE “7 MINUTE RULE” WHEN IT COMES TO PLANNING YOUR NEXT LESSON: I know traditionally, youth ministry lessons tend to resemble a sermon/lecture (“Auditory Learning”) more than they do other kinds of presentations. The church is a setting for 20 minute plus sermons, […]
Book Review: *The Dreamer: A Reimagining of the Biblical Character Joseph* by Simon Harrar
Flipping the House One Night is A “done-for-you” resource for one complete night of youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will gain a better understanding of who the church is and what it is about. They will see they can have an active role in their church presently and in the future. KEY VERSE “And let […]
IF GOD IS: “Seven Minute Sunday” is based on the “7-Minute Rule” of Differentiated Teaching. It is a fresh NEW way of doing Sunday school that will change the way you see your Sunday Morning. This is a “done-for-you” resource for a complete 60 minute Sunday morning in youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVES Students will learn and interact […]
Saved 7 Minute Sunday is a fresh NEW done-for-you youth group lesson resource that will change the way you teach students on Sunday Morning.
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Build Ministry & School Connections
Building a Ministry and School Connection