Gen Z’s Revival and Retreat a 5 for 5 responds to the trend for 2025 of students in revival and retreat spiritually.
Ten MORE Youth Ministry Programming Misses, Another Quick Top Ten List Of What We Aim for and Often What We Miss in the End. 10. Aiming to Attract SHOPPERS, Missing Building Faithful MEMBERS. 9. Aiming for SUCCES, Missing BLESSING. 8. Aiming for more BODIES in SEATS, Missing HEARTS for ETERNITY. 7. Aiming for TEACHING, Missing […]
Youth Ministry Programming Misses, A Quick Top Ten List Of What We Aim for and Often What We Miss in the End. 10. Aiming for QUANITY, Missing the QUALITY. 9. Aming to SPEND, Missing STEWARDSHIP. 8. Aiming for Old TRADITION, Missing New TRAJECTORY. 7. Aiming at PLANNING, Missing at PRAYER. 6. Aiming for a SOCIAL […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Measuring Up: Student Discipleship Metrics
Measure Up: Student Discipleship Metrics- how to measure discipleship progress within a youth group and student ministry.
Teaching Church, Reaching Church? “We are a teaching church, not a reaching church….” were the actual words from my previous Senior Pastor, as he explained to me a few critical points of my new position and his vision for the church. He was just heading toward finishing another degree in an Ancient Language before his […]
Ministry Sociologist and Historian, As a youth pastor at a new church, you are uniquely positioned to play dual roles as both a sociologist and a historian.
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Things They Don’t Teach (Part 2)
Things They Don’t Teach (Part 2)… Someone asked me recently “What don’t they teach you in college/seminary/’school that you need to know for real-world, real-life youth ministry. Last week I post the first list of ten Things They Don’t Teach (But Should)” I have continued to think about this, as I have conversation, meeting with my […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
The Conversation, NOT ” The Talk”
The Conversation, Not the Talk… When my son turned ten and entered 5th grade, during the summer, we had what many parents call “the talk”. It is the classic father-son moment talking about birds and bees. You can picture the scene sitting on his bed, talking about all the details of life and answering a […]
Things They Don’t Teach… Someone asked me recently…again… for the hundredth time, “What don’t they teach you in college/seminary/’school that you need to know for real-world, real-life youth ministry. Here is my first quick list of the top ten “Things They Don’t Teach”… but should!? How to be a part of a staff team. How to […]
I talked to a pastor not long ago about his recent hire of a youth leader for his church. He was so excited by the opportunity to have a “face” for his church’s youth ministry. He described the young man as “attractive” to young people and the kind of “look” and “style” that would be […]