Creating Summer Ministry FOMO. Creating a sense of “fear of missing out” (FOMO) for your youth ministry during the summer
The Evangelistic Youth Ministry, If you grew up, like I did, in an American church youth group, it’s likely you will resonate with the following description of American youth ministry. You spent an hour or two a week in a “youth room,” sitting on folding chairs or donated couches, singing (with or without the aid […]
Frustrating your volunteers is a quick way to lose them. We all want a great team of volunteers, that stick it out for the long haul. Unfortunately, often leaders end up frustrating their volunteers, causing them to quit, walking away disappointed. Here is a quick Top 10 list of ways leaders end up frustrating their […]
The Clear Way to Success in Youth Ministry is difficult. Success in youth ministry isn’t merely measured by the number of attendees or the hype around the latest event. True success lies in the transformation of young hearts and minds, fostering a lifelong journey of faith and growth. A clear mindset for your leadership must […]
MIDDLE SCHOOL CAMP MISTAKES AND MISSES, For 10-15 years, I chose to run my own camps for my groups and/or decided to run missions trips in place of summer camp. In my last two churches, we have rented out camps, hired outside speakers and musicians, and ran most of the programming and activities ourselves. In […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Including Parents in Summer Trips
INCLUDING PARENTS IN SUMMER TRIPS, Summer trips (camps, conferences, missions trips…) can be a massive moment in the life of children and teens to create memories that last a lifetime. In many ways, it is a rite of passage. Even if the location is not that far away, it may be the first extended time away from […]
The Summer Youth Ministry Battle… If your church is like ours, and most that I talk to are, summertime is the ever-constant battle..
Helping Students LEAD in Ministry is an essential but sometimes forgotten role, as we often assume the sole leadership role ourselves or look only for adults to step into leading. “Youth ministry should have a vision for “student led adult guided ministry“. Equpping the YOUNG saints for the work of ministry. It is not about […]
Ten Youth Ministry Mistakes… People always ask me what I would tell my younger self, starting out in youth ministry. What are the mistakes that you made that you wish someone would have told you about during your first year in youth ministry? The other question I get is what I observe as the big […]
Teaching: 7 Learning Styles: visual, auditory, verbal, kinesthetic, logical, social/interpersonal, & intrapersonal in youth ministry