Every Church is a Sub-Culture

every church is a subculture

Each Church Is Its Own Sub-CultureEvery church has its own traditions, words, rules, and personality. When you arrive at a new church, take the time to ask questions, learn, and don’t just assume things.

Churches like other countries and even families have their own ideas and definitions when it comes to A LOT of things. Just because the denominational name on the front sign is the same as the one you grew up in or your last church, does not mean it is all the same.


1. Words mean things, and sometimes they mean different things.  The word “fellowship” can mean two completely different things to you and your church. Many other common words within the general church world take on various means.  Meaning holds value and importance with the words we use, how we use them, and even choose not to use.

2. The “Sacred Cows” sometimes are still giving some “sacred milk” so be aware of what has always been “tradition”, and understand who is connected to it and where it came from. We all joke about Golden Calves and Scared Cows when it comes to church, especially youth ministry. Be very aware of what they are and whether they are still working?   Don’t just kill something just because it is a sacred cow. Change just for change’s sake might lead to a change in your position.  Don’t be the one put out to pasture!

3. People are people, take the time to find out the personalities of the leadership, but also of the church as a whole.  Individual personalities are important to know, but group personality is even more important to know.  It WILL affect so many different things. A church is a family, and family traits are strong in churches.  Do not make general assumptions about people based on their dress, age, or anything else.  Get to know people for who they are, just what you think they are.