Things They Don’t Teach (But Should)

Things They Don’t Teach… Someone asked me recently…again… for the hundredth time, “What don’t they teach you in college/seminary/’school that you need to know for real-world, real-life youth ministry.

Here is my first quick list of the top ten “Things They Don’t Teach”… but should!? 

  • How to be a part of a staff team.
  • How to lead a group of volunteers.
  • When it is time to move on from a ministry. 
  • How to raise your children, so they love Christ, the church, and ministry. 
  • How to find a circle of trusted friends outside your ministry that can encourage you, be honest with you, and keep you from quitting. 
  • How to be humble and listen.
  • When to know you are on the edge of burnout.
  • The way to adapt your teaching on the spot, as you are teaching to reengage students who are not listening.
  • How to create a vision and plan specific to a group, area, church, and history

PS: If you are interested in hearing more, receiving coaching, booking a training event, or looking for a speaker for a youth worker event over some of these topics. I would love to come and share. (FIND OUT MORE)