Super Silly Sports Book is an all-in-one collection of ten super fun and super silly sports-based youth group games. This collection of games is perfect for weekly meetings or to play a collection of games as an all-inclusive game event. Super Sillyg Sports Book is great for middle school and high school students. A […]
Character Charades (Parent Resource) – We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with […]
TEN BEST OTHER PRIZES, moving on and changing it up from youth group t-shirts, candy bars, and gift cards for your games and incentives. 10. “You Pick”– winner gets to pick next week’s game, snack or… lesson topic? 9. “Box Seats”- winner gets to have a special roped-off “couch” for themselves and two guests for […]
Ten Youth Group Bus Games for your upcoming summer trips and other amazing moments you are stuck in a bus trying to kill time, beyond everyone on the phone or sleeping. The first set of ten FREE youth group favorites of my students from over the years. These are simple, low, or no-prep games that […]
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources
Free Event: “Great Pizza Taste-Off”
FREE EVENT: GREAT PIZZA TASTE-OFF… Who has the best pizza in town? Who is the absolute best pizza style, sauce, and flavor? Which place in town is your group’s favorite? Whoever is willing to give you the best deal or the one that is actually the best? There is a way to find out and […]
Dizzy Donut Duel (FREE Game) is a “sweet spin” on a youth ministry classic. Moving this youth group favorite from boring to BOOM! A favorite around our ministry and sure to be a favorite around yours! Make sure to have your phone ready because you are going to want to get some great pictures and […]
It is currently one of the go-to options for communicating among students. Many of the other social media platforms are no longer being used, while Snapchat still is holding onto popularity (for now). As “Social Media Savvy as Youth Pastors“, you should at least consider it. Here are a few things to consider as an option for […]
Tell-Tale TV Show (Parent Resource)- We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with […]
Here are just a couple of ways that I have discovered to avoid burnout in youth ministry and ministry in general.
THE CELEBRITY PROM SCREEN GAME IS HERE JUST IN TIME FOR THE BIG EVENT SEASON! YOU WANNA DANCE? Work up the courage and ask a special friend to come up to join you. It is time to go toe-to-toe to see if they can guess the celebrity before you can! The winner continues on, the […]