middle years ministry

Middle Years Life Transitions

THE MIDDLE YEARS (5th-9th grade, Ages 10-14) ARE A HUGE TIME OF LIFE TRANSITION.  IT MIGHT EVEN BE ONE OF THE MOST SIGNIFICANT TIMES IN A PERSON’S LIFE!   Do youth pastors/workers know and understand the transition that is happening in the lives of their students?  Do we appreciate the power and the potential for doing effective […]

Altar Reality (7-Minute Sunday)

Altar Reality (7-Minute Sunday)

“ALTAR REALITY” 7-Minute Sunday” is based on the “7-Minute Rule” of Differentiated Teaching. It is a fresh, NEW way of doing Sunday school that will change the way you see your Sunday Morning. This is a “done-for-you” resource for a complete Sunday morning of youth ministry. KEY OBJECTIVE: Students will come to understand that a life lived as […]