Odd Reasons For Being a Volunteer?

Odd Reasons For Being a Volunteer in Student Ministry? I just wrapped up an amazing time hanging out with and training a group of volunteers for our youth ministry church.  I am so excited to hear the hearts of the team and why they are seeking to serve students  

Over the years, however, I have heard a wide variety of reasons why people are interested in volunteering in the student ministry. These are just some of my most interesting REAL but Odd Reasons For Being a Volunteer? … (*none of these are from my present church) 

10. I have to be with my child.  Even though they are _____ old, they still cry when I leave them.

9. I am afraid my daughter will get pregnant. I need to be there so boys won’t talk to her.

8. I don’t trust you as a youth pastor.

7. I am volunteering in the middle school ministry because they told me I am not cool enough for the high school ministry.  

6. Sr. Pastor wants me to be here to report all the things you do wrong to him. 

5. My mom is making me.

4. So my wife won’t force to get a job and work evenings.

3. I wasn’t cool in high school, but this way, I can experience what it is like to be cool and accepted.

2. I went to Bible College and Seminary without using it, so I didn’t want it to waste my money and eight years of my life.

1. I didn’t get your job, so I am here when you fail.