Getting it right, effective youth ministry teaching, the task of teaching the Bible is daunting when you think about it. Not only do you have to stand in front of people and present. You have to do so and get what God said right(!) even though everyone listening already has a preconceived notion about what […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
The Cure for Youth Ministry Busyness
The cure to busyness in ministry is being selfish. “It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: “What are we busy about?”-Henry David Thoreau In my 20+ years in youth ministry, one thing is guaranteed every week: busyness. When I talk with youth leaders all over the country, I […]
Being Critical vs. Critical Thinking… As leaders in your church or ministry especially if you are the youth pastor maybe a struggle
Youth Group Party Playlist: “Party on the Patio” is a fresh, fun mix from Youth Min Hub, perfect for parties, lock-ins & even a silent disco. Regularly updated with ONLY Christian music from today’s best artists. Currently, with 120 Songs and 6 1/2 hours of music! Make sure to also check out our Yearly Playlist […]
“Tech the Halls: Parents Guide to Tech Gift Giving this Christmas” is a great resource to share with parents and families this Holiday season. It was written by Tony Bianco of “”. He has graciously allowed us to share it in a downloadable PDF form as well, so you can share it with parents […]
Youth Ministry Games, Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
“Make EVERY Week Special In Youth Ministry
Tired of the weekly question from your parents and students, “Is there anything special happening this week?” Now you can answer honestly… “EVERY WEEK IS SPECIAL!!” by actually making every week special, unique and fun. It is not that hard or expensive. Below are all REAL, “in-the-trenches” Youth Ministry Nights I have done or am currently doing! These are […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Launching a Campus Ministry (Free Guide)
Launching a Campus Ministry
Why Talk About Technology? If you are working in children’s ministry (Generation Alpha) or youth ministry (Generation Z), you are working with “Digital Natives.” Young people have never experienced a world without the internet, cell phones, and digital devices. We live in an advancing digital, technological age. The future is now, and it will just keep […]
Social Media Savvy is a hard thing to come by and to balance. Social media over the past decade or so has been a gift and a curse. It has allowed youth workers to have an almost continuous flow of connection into the lives of our students. It has also been a window into […]
15+ Appropriate Halloween Fall Movies. This is a question I hear every year around this time, “What is an appropriate movie to show students during the fall…Halloween season!?” Obviously, this is always a bit of a delicate topic with “Halloween” parties vs. “Fall/Harvest” parties so please do not be offended. Here are a few that […]