REAL REASONS LEADERS CAN’T COME? TEN REAL EXCUSES I HAVE REALLY HEARD FOR WHY A VOLUNTEER WAS CALLING OFF FOR THE NIGHT! 10. I can’t stand my small group of students anymore, and I need a night off from them! 9. I think my rap career is finally taking off. 8. I broke my neck […]
On Thursday, December 2, the world lost a giant in youth ministry. Mel Walker was a mentor, friend, and surrogate uncle to me. He was always willing to talk, pray, and guide me through the path of personal and ministry life. We spoke regularly about the future of youth ministry. I can honestly say, I […]
We know that youth workers need tools that equip parents as the primary faith influencers at home. We also know how challenging it can be for parents to find the time to make discipleship a priority. Faith at Home Resources Based on our Discipleship Model, every Faith at Home starts with a fun, everyday activity […]
ARE YOU CALLED? A WIFE’S PERSPECTIVE ON CALLING WITHIN THE LIFE AND MINISTRY OF THEIR HUSBAND. When I was a senior in high school, I went to a leadership conference at the college I would later attend many years ago. During that conference, I remember learning about leading. I do not remember all the things […]
It is that other crazy couple of weeks of the year…Easter Time!! An excited and blessed time of the year but a busy time AND you STILL have a youth group going on too! SO, this week’s FREE GAME will be dedicated to helping you with some quick help. Ten quick Easter Time Twists on […]
Be Focal, Buy Local with your youth ministry. Let’s be real, we spend money, whether we are the big church in town or small fry around the corner we are spending our church’s (*God’s money) or the parent’s money. Why not be more “Focal” in our spending by buying “Local”? Whether it is the next […]
Youth Ministry Hints, Youth Ministry Resources, Youth Ministry Thoughts
Using Parents as Youth Leaders
Using Parents as Parents As Youth Leaders. Does the sound of that idea make you quake in your Vans? It doesn’t have to. Parent volunteers can be our allies, our trusted group of faithful, hard-working ministers whom we link arms with. There are many reasons why having parents as youth ministry volunteers is a good […]
Bonus Game: Palm Sundae. Just in Time for This Sunday…PALM Sunday! Some Quick RanDumb Fun Rather Obviously Named Game. Just to Keep Things Cool Around Your Teen Ministry!? Supplies: – Ice Cream (2 containers) – A variety of ice cream toppings, including syrup, whip cream, and a cherry – Ice cream scooper – A few […]
Margery Meanwell was a poor orphan girl that lived on the streets. She was a sweet kind girl always doing good for others, even though she was poor and had nothing. She was recognized throughout the town as the girl with only one shoe. As the story goes, one day a rich, gentlemen seeing her […]
Youth Pastor Soul Refreshers: Ten of the those moments, we all need. We all love those moments. The ones where you get a quick boost and a spiritual rush of fresh air to your soul that keep you going! 10. The Ice Cold Bottle of Water on a Hot Missions Project Day! 9. The State […]